In Their Own Words 

Little is more powerful than the words from someone who has experienced the effects of abortion. As you read, you may hear yourself in their words.

“It has been almost three years since I let my second child go - the child that would have been sibling to my first. A world of heartbreak has since replaced every hope. I cannot look at happiness, at families, at love, without crying, no matter where I am. I shall never recover from this aching terrible grief. I am alone and so lonely, and so sorry for allowing my child to be taken from my womb and made to disappear. How I ache for my child, who will never come back to me. I’d like to say I am sorry, but I am sorry for myself - for how my heart has shattered; for my ex, who has stopped speaking to me and our first child; for my daughter, who lost her baby brother or sister. I am so sorry.”

From Karen, one of our counsellors:

No matter how often I read or hear a person’s abortion story, it always tears my heart apart. This story is no exception. I cried when I read about the very dark and torturous place this woman is dwelling. Every word she writes drips with unbearable sorrow, inconceivable brokenness, and unending heartache. I cry for her not only because she is in such emotional turmoil, but also because she feels utterly hopeless… and yet I know that there is hope for her.

From my own experience companioning women who have settled in darkness and feel like there is no way out, I want to gently whisper, “There is a way out of the wilderness”. This woman’s grief is very real and will not go away with time, but it will soften when she walks through the pain. Trying to cope alone only leads to isolation. She is not alone. You are not alone. The Abortion Recovery Centre is here to walk alongside her and you in the grief journey.

To the beautiful lady who wrote in and shared her pain with transparency, please call 780.454.5911 to begin your journey of hope.

 The first steps to healing are:

  • Tell your story to someone who will listen

  • Seek support that is specific to abortion loss

  • Find a support group specific to abortion loss

  • Journal and express your pain

  • Allow yourself to mourn

  • Give God your brokenness and He will walk with you

  • Remember that there is comfort, healing & hope

Allison Goodall Allison Goodall

“My biggest fear of being alone happened. My boyfriend insisted on me getting an abortion and told me he’d be there no matter what. The day after the abortion, he left and he hasn’t come back since.”

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Allison Goodall Allison Goodall

“My abortion is the deepest secret in my life. I guard it and constantly re-bury it so that no one will ever find out.”

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Allison Goodall Allison Goodall

“I can’t stop judging myself – I knew what I was doing but convinced myself that having the abortion was the best thing. I wish I could go back and undo what I’ve done.”

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Allison Goodall Allison Goodall

“I’m consumed with both grief and anger. I don’t know how to get past this.”

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These are the words from women who have found hope and healing through their journey of abortion recovery at the Abortion Recovery Centre.

* names may have been changed


“My recovery from my abortion grief was difficult, emotional and worth every moment. My peer supporter was compassionate and gentle, and the group made me realize I was not alone. Isolation is a terrible feeling – to know that there was another who identified with me and who validated my feelings gave me incredible freedom. I had permission to grieve the loss of my child, the loss of hope, the loss of dreams and the loss of identity. The authority I have today to define myself as an overcomer gives me great liberty to embrace all that God has for me. The Abortion Recovery Centre provided the place and the resources. I came with a willingness to redefine myself. And God permeated it all.”


 “Each session left me feeling better than when I walked in. They helped me believe that I was worthy of love and that I didn’t have to let the abortions define me. Towards the end of my sessions, I realized that I wanted to do something very specific to remember my children, so my peer supporter helped me plan a memorial service. It was one of the hardest but best things I’ve ever done. I was able to pour out my feelings, ask their forgiveness and let them know I love them. I can’t say all my pain has gone, but I’m more aware of people who love me and support me, and definitely more aware that God loves me.”


“At ARC, I felt safe. I tearfully shared my story with the kind and loving staff in an atmosphere that was accepting and non-judgmental. They were so sensitive in recognizing that I was in a lot of pain and in need of much healing. My peer supporter lovingly took me through the steps of healing. It was hard to deal with all those raw emotions, but it was also the most freeing thing I have ever experienced. I was finally able to forgive myself and then honour my three children that are now in the arms of Jesus. The shame, constant feelings of unworthiness, and low self-esteem were driven out by the grace and mercy of God through the expert guidance of the compassionate and skilled ARC staff.”